
Fiscal representation

Our legal department can advise and assist in all matters to do with yachting in Greece

Greek charter license

We have extensive experience of obtaining charter licenses and unrivalled knowledge of yachting legislation in Greece.

Flag changes and yacht registration

There are a dizzying variety of options for yacht registration. We are happy to offer our advice and give solid information to assist you in the decision as to which route to take. And to implement your decision.

Change of ownership and yacht sales agreements

When selling a yacht, the legal issues can be overwhelming and complex.  Allow us to assist you and unravel the issues for you.

Golden Visas

With the purchase of property of more than Euros 250,000, it is possible to obtain a ‘Golden Visa’ which allows you and your family, to reside in Greece and have access to the Schengen areas of Europe. The visa is awarded for 5 years making it very useful for non-Europeans wishing to settle in Europe.

We are able to help you find the most suitable properties, through the best agencies in Greece and we can make arrangements for the visa application.

Ownership structures

Ownership structures vary depending on circumstances. We can advise and assist you.

Reach out to us

for your best counsel

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